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When we set up this website, the main feedback we had from our puppy owners and our boys 'dates' was

'can we have our say?'

So here are a few of the comments we have received 

Thank you Jen

 and Joe… and Pippa and Flynn!

We are fairly experienced canine owners, having had a dozen dogs over the years, of multiple breeds; Labradoodles for the last four (and forever now.). So, we’ve met many breeders over the years and know dogs quite well.

We have little doubt that Parkfields are likely the best breeders in the country, for any breed. Communication has been top notch, and Jen and Joe's obvious love and care for the puppies and their parents, together in their

 home with their children is a wonderful thing to witness.

We have never encountered such care and attention to detail previously with any breeder. To want to meet us to check that we were good enough for their dogs, could have been a gimmick, but believe us, it certainly isn’t. They


Our experience before the birth was good and efficient. After birth, the amount of regular WhatsApp videos, photos and messages are, we suspect, unique. We haven’t missed anything in the development of our puppy, from birth

 and throughout his growth over the weeks before we met him in person for the first time. This has to be experienced, but we know our puppy from birth, like very few dog owners ever do. Brilliant.

We were invited to visit each weekend after choosing day to spend a little time with our puppy. Fun for us. But it made a huge difference to him when we brought him home. We weren't strangers, so he settled really quickly.

 So much faster than previous pups.

As an added bonus, he was also house trained and would come to call.

The breeding, look and temperament of the dogs is quite lovely and we love our little boy very much.

If you are trying to decide where to get your Labradoodle from, or indeed, whether a Labradoodle is for you. These guys are the place to come.  We have already added our names to the waiting list for 2-3 years time when we'll

 be ready for our next bundle of furry fun in the household.

Thank you again.

Dawn and James, and Albus.

With our kids starting to move out, and the house getting quieter and quieter, we decided that we needed a dog in our life.

Having had a very passive clumber spaniel previously, we decided we wanted a breed with a bit more energy, and after a fair bit of research concluded that a Labradoodle would be right for us. More research led us to Parkfield as the place to go.

Right away, from the very first contact, we had a great feeling about them. All the questions, the need to meet us first – everything felt so sincere and just right. We felt that any breeder that is this thoughtful about who they let their puppies go to must care passionately about their dogs, which can only be a good thing.

There was loads of support and guidance before we picked up our new best friend (like, how to get the house ready), and the daily WhatsApp videos of the litter only added to the excitement and fun.Every last bit of detail is thought through, even down to the fact that you get a bit of their cut-up baby blanket to carry them home in so that everything smells a bit familiar.

In fact, everything pre-collection (visits, WhatsApp messages etc) went so well that we made the bold choice to go for a second puppy before we’d even collected our first. So now we have two puppies, aged 18 and 11 weeks respectively – and we’re chuffed to bits with that decision!

And even after bringing both puppies home, the support from Jen and Joe hasn’t stopped. They’ve been only too happy to answer questions like “Should we let the younger puppy sleep with the older one on their first night together?”. Or, “How do we stop them fighting?”!

And comparing how our puppies have settled in with those of friends who have collected them from different breeders only adds weight to the fact that we made the right choice to go with Parkfield. We’ve lost count of how many times we’ve heard the question “What do you mean yours slept through the night from day 1?”. Again, it just shows how much care and love Jen and Joe put into their work, so that when you get your puppy (or puppies!) home, they make the adjustment unbelievably well.

We could go on and on, but all you really need to know is that if you want a fabulous new Labradoodle puppy, then you shouldn’t go anywhere other than Jen & Joe at Parkfield.

Debbie & Ian, Somerset

Once we decided on a labradoodle, Parkfield soon caught our eye. The comprehensive info on the web site and the fact that all their doodles (including the golden oldies) live at home as part of the family made us feel that these were people who really cared - and we weren’t wrong. 
The fact that Jen and Joe wanted to meet us; and more importantly allow us to meet their dogs convinced us that this was the place to come for our new pup. 
From day one, Jen and Joe have been there to answer questions and share their expertise, and this support will continue for as long as we need it. Once our puppy was born, we received daily updates and videos allowing us to be part of the journey from day one - and have loved watching Mabel develop into a confident, gorgeous 8 week old bundle of fun.  Jen and Joe are experts who love their job and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Parkfield to anyone looking for a labradoodle. We will certainly return if we decide to bring another pup into our family.  Thank you xXxxx
Stephen and Alison and Mabel xxxxx

Parkfield Labradoodles was recommended to us by a friend and it's clear to see why. From the moment we put our names down on the list we have been part of the Parkfield family. Jen and Joe care very much about their dogs and their litters. Since the day the pups were born there have been 'pupdates' sent everyday on the WhatsApp group (think NCT group for puppies) videos, photos, leaflets, advice ..the time taken by Jen and Joe is phenomenal. Our little Noodle is the most lovely puppy. The puppies at Parkfield are comfortable around household noise including children, washing machines, other dogs and will already have experienced crate sleeping, regular mealtimes, exploring the garden in different weathers etc. Jen and Joe really do give the puppies the best possible start before they move to their new homes. We are all besotted with Noodle and looking forward to watching her grow. Thanks Jen and Joe. You're amazing! Xx

More Broken Hearts Mended


We are a family of 4 who lost our lovely 14-year-old first generation doodle to Lymphoma just over a year ago.  Having had our hearts broken at losing our gorgeous doodle, we decided that it was time to have another furry bundle of joy in our household.


Having done google searches we came across the Parkfield Labradoodle website.  Everything we read about the way the doodles are looked after and loved by Jen, Joe and family was right for us – we knew that we had found the perfect breeders for our new furry baby!


We met Jen and Joe, and of course Lucy and Arthur (the parents of our puppy to be); Lucy inquisitively trotted up to meet us with a smiling face and wagging tail, requiring tickle tummy time, and Arthur leaning into us and gently holdingour hands or arms in his mouth by way of greeting.  We also met the rest of the Parkfield clan, who are the most wonderfully, gorgeous dogs. We knew that our journey from Cambridgeshire to Shropshire had been worth it.  But what if we’d failed the interview?  Jen put our minds at rest – she said that her dogs do the interviewing.  If they liked us, we were okay.


A month later, Jen let us know that Lucy and Arthur hadmated, then gave us regular updates on Lucy’s progress over the following months until the time of giving birth.  Having met Lucy and followed her progress during her pregnancy, we felt emotionally connected with her and cried with joy at knowing that one of her pups would be ours.  We even named our puppy after her.


Arriving home with little Lucy 8 weeks later was another emotional event.  We love her to bits and enjoy following the progress of her siblings on the What’s App group that Jen set up.


As other reviewers have said, you won’t come across any better doodle breeders than Jen and Joe; their love of their canine family, ethical approach, dedication, knowledge and communication is second to none.


And, of course, little Lucy has put the smiles back on our faces and has mended our broken hearts.


Thank you, Jen, Joe and family. XX


Caroline and Jeremy – Cambridgeshire.

I cannot recommend Parkfield highly enough!

Once deciding on a breed to suit our family, we found Parkfield in an online search and after reading their website I was convinced they were the breeders for us - and I wasn’t wrong.

I sent an introduction email to Jen and within 5 minutes I had a lovely reply.  Right from the word go Jen was in touch and replying to my (many) queries. Once the pups were born, we received regular updates on their progression via a What’s app group with loads of photos and videos. This meant that despite being so far away, we felt that we were part of our puppy’s development from the very beginning.

Jen and Joe’s dedication is second to none and it includes handy tips, expert advice, and hand-outs that they have prepared. I was blown away with their love for their job and their dedication to their dogs and puppies.

From bringing Luna home, she has been so gentle and calm - a complete and utter joy and its all down to Jen, Joe and family.  We now have a toilet trained, amazingly socialised puppy (even our vet couldn’t believe how relaxed she is!) who has taken over our world and we LOVE it.  Thank you Parkfield – who knows we may be back in touch for another pup in a couple of years. If Carlsberg did breeders….

It was back in March 2023 that our journey with Parkfield Labradoodles began. I never realised then what a wonderful experience that last 6 months (and many more years to come) would be. 
Sadly, it all began when our beloved Charlie (10 year old cockapoo) died very suddenly in October 22. It took us a while to decide to own another dog, but eventually in the New Year we realised that a dog really completed our family and made a happy home. We trawled the web sites of lots of Labradoodle breeders but something was always missing. I didn’t realise what it was until my husband found the Parkfield site. The amount of love that Jen and Joe have for their dogs and puppies just oozed out of every page. I knew then we had found our breeder.
We had a wonderful visit to meet their dogs and promptly put our name on a waiting list. The puppies were born at the end of July and that’s when the fun really starts. We joined the puppy whats app group and were treated to daily videos (with some hilarious commentary) of their growth from newborn until home time. It was truly wonderful to feel so part of their development and be able to share our joy with all the other new parents. I can honestly say that 8 week period is amazing.
Our beautiful little girl Scout came home with us just a few days ago and in such a short time she has filled out hearts with so much joy. She is truly beautiful and so well adjusted. She is a very calm puppy who loves to please. I look forward to seeing her grow into a beautiful adult dog.
Deciding to own a dog is a significant decision to take. But the support and assistance that you get from both Jen and Joe and all the other parents makes you feel very supported along the way. They also make it very clear that this support and advice continues through the life of the dog. I know it wont be too many years before we go back to Jen for a little siter or brother for Scout.
They really are truly amazing people with a massive heart for breading wonderful dogs.
Jo and Brom proud Parkfield puppy owners x

"Jen and Joe were recommended to us by a friend who's exact words were 'you won't find better breeders'. How right they were. It's not only the advice they have given and continue to give that we have found invaluable but the love, support and care they give to each puppy and their new family is really quite remarkable. Our not so little bundle of joy Buddy, is now 7 months old and has brought nothing but joy to our home. He has the sweetest nature and we think is a lovely mixture of his affectionate caring mummy Bramble and his handsome laid back daddy Dougal. We are so lucky to be part of the big Parkfield family and can't thank Jen and Joe enough."  Jayne and Steve Oxford

Right from day one I had a good feeling about Jen, she was very clear that she wanted us to get to know her and her dogs. All her dogs are members of the family and when we visited her at home for the first time, I knew right away that she was the one. Her experience and expertise as a breeder and owner shines through. Whether one of her puppies is staying with her or going to a new family, you know she will treat them all with love and care. Visiting Jen gave us the chance to know exactly what to expect going forward, meeting labradoodles of all ages, sizes and genders.

Once your puppy has been born you really start to understand how much Jen and Joe care about all of the puppies she raises. She was always happy to answer any questions or chat on the phone to ease any concerns, as well as sending structured guidance notes about each stage both pre and post pick up and regular updates about the pregnancy right through to collection date. Daily photos and videos of mum and pups showing their progress and seeing them develop is all part of the incredible experience of getting a dog from Parkfield Labradoodles.

I highly recommend Parkfield labradoodles if you are looking for an addition to your family.

Steve H and Lola

We lost our labradoodle at the age of 15, two years ago, which left a huge gap in our lives. So when we decided to look for our second family dog, we wanted to make sure we found a trusted breeder. Back in February we found ‘Parkfield’ through their website and then by chance we happened to meet one of their beautiful doodles out on a walk and it felt like it was meant to be! Beautiful home bred dogs, bought up in a large family environment. 

We went to meet Jen and Joe, and met all generations of there of their Labradoodles and were struck by how clam, friendly and gentle all their dogs were. 

We were promptly on the waiting list, and once the puppies arrived we were joined onto the WhatsApp group for ‘Lucy’s’ litter. From then on we had daily updates, photos and videos following the progress of the puppies. It was lovely to be part of the puppies lives from the very start and to have the connection with the other ‘owners to be’ as well. 

Throughout the whole process Jen and Joe have been amazing and so informative, it has been a wonderful way to ease us into the arrival of our new family member. Their care and attention to Lucy has resulted in her producing the most wonderful puppies, and we know that if we ever need help and advice in the future, Jen and Joe are there for us all.  

We love our new girl ‘Harlyn’, she has settled in so well and is an absolute joy! 

We can’t recommend Parkfield Labradoodles enough. 

Caroline and family - Berkshire

We have only good things to say about Parkfield Labradoodles!  From the first time I visited the website, I knew instantly that they were the breeders for us. Their dogs are happy and healthy and clearly so very loved. Jen and Joe let us spend time with their dogs , which was such a pleasure. What beautiful dogs, inside and out!!  Once we knew our pup was on the way, Jen did an amazing job keeping us updated and once Buddy was born, she sent several videos and photos each day, letting us know how everyone was doing. So special to feel involved from day one. And, what can I say about our Buddy… he’s completely stolen our hearts. And my slippers… ;) thank you Jen and Joe, for all you’ve done and continue to do xx

The Parkfield Experience…Mending a Broken Heart.
What can I say about Jennie, Joe and the family other than to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to all looking for a new four paw family member they are amazing, if you love labradoodles there is no other place to go. I can’t speak for everyone, but if you’ve had a labradoodle in your life, when you have to say goodbye, and in my case after thirteen and a half years it’s like your wing guy has gone, I felt broken and lost and what Jennie did was to help fix that for me, from the very first email. I stumbled across the website doing one of those looking whilst questioning myself moments. A tentative email, an instant reply and a come and visit followed. From the moment of walking into their place, hearing the woofs that are doodle unique and seeing several friendly faces, not Jennie’s (though it was welcoming) but her four legged brood made me feel at home, and instantly I knew this was a place where the dogs (and children) are at the heart of the family and I had met someone that I trusted. Jennie had all the time in the world in that first meeting to chat and let me meet all the dogs and spend time with the soon to be parents Marmalade and Arthur. But it doesn’t stop at that meeting, you become part of the family with the regular pup dates once they are born through to visits. So, three months on from an initial visit Paddington is home with me, but Jennie is still there answering questions and will be I know for ever. To call Jennie a breeder doesn’t do justice to what her and Joe do – they love their 4 paws family and are invested in each new life that comes into Parkfield and have taken me on a unique journey.
Paddington and his mum xx

We recently brought home a beautiful, well tempered puppy from Parkfield and we could not be happier with our experience. From the first time we contacted Jennie and Joe, they were attentive, knowledgeable, and supportive, helping us to select the perfect puppy for our family. 

We are very privileged to have a caring and gentle 3.5 year old dog from Nell’s second litter and our recent puppy is from Nell’s last litter which makes him extra special as our boys are brothers. They are both wonderful companions. 

There wasn’t any doubt in our mind when we were choosing who to go to for our second puppy. Jennie and Joe are reputable breeders who share our values of responsible breeding and care for their animals. Jennie and Joe treat all of their dogs like members of the family and it is lovely going to their house and being greeted by their fur family. 

We appreciate the time and care that Parkfield put into socialising and training him before he came home with us. He is fully toilet trained at just 11 weeks old which is again thanks to Jennie and Joe. 

Overall, we highly recommend Parkfield Labradoodles to anyone looking for a healthy, happy, and well-adjusted puppy. Their commitment to ethical breeding and exceptional care for their dogs is evident in every interaction we've had with them, and we feel lucky to have found such a wonderful additions to our family. The extra touches are really appreciated: daily whatsapp communication, daily pictures, taking home a small piece of their puppy blankets to ensure they feel safe and comforted on the way home. Even after taking your puppy home Jennie and Joe still keep in touch and are always a phone call or text away for any concerns or worries that you have. We recommend Parkfield to anyone who wants a well rounded family pet. 

Thank you so much! 

“Hit the jackpot!  Freya is my first labradoodle and the moment I met Jen and Joe I knew I wanted my puppy from no one else.

I looked at various websites but only Parkfield ticked all my boxes.  You hear the term “home bred”, but these really are part of the family.  Jen and Joe’s love and dedication for their doodles is unmistakable and the entire journey from meeting the adult dogs to collecting my puppy was a wonderful experience.  Go to Parkfield and you will receive a warm welcome.  Jen and Joe’s knowledge and expertise about breeding is second to none and it is obvious the dogs’ welfare is paramount.  My main criteria was temperament, and I was totally sold once I met the adult dogs.  They are calm and affectionate, and I instantly fell in love.

From the moment Pippa’s pregnancy was confirmed, Jen sent updates at each stage and super photos and videos once the little fur babies had been born.  You are provided with brochures full of information and tips that will answer most of your questions once you get your little bundle home, together with everything your puppy needs.   You also have the reassurance that Jen and Joe are there for advice and support not just for now, but for the future.

 I can’t thank Jen and Joe enough for making my dreams come true.  I now have a beautiful companion and can’t wait for all the fun we are going to have together in the months and years to come.

You’d be mad to go anywhere else!”

Jo - Cambridgeshire

P.S.  Freya has settled in beautifully and makes me laugh every day ❤️

Jen and Joe at Parkfield Labradoodles were a lucky find on the internet but we couldn’t have found better breeders with weeks of research.  We feel it was fate that led us to them and fate that one chocolate boy puppy was available from a new litter.  Flynn is everything we could have wished for to fill the space in our hearts left by our beloved Jack Doodle. 

We made several trips over so that Jen could be sure we were suitable parents for Flynn, and to meet and play with him.  Regular pupdates were so gratefully received as the puppies grew, and were full of helpful information and tips.  Flynn is confident and full of life, but is already showing a calm nature and behaving well with our other animals.  Such a lovely addition to our family.  Thank you Jen and Joe and your own lovely family. 

'We wanted a dog for a long time, but work and children meant we didn't have the time or energy to commit. With the kids all grown up, one of us retired and the impact of lockdown it seemed like a good time to take the plunge.

We looked long and hard, did our research, but couldn't seem to find a breeder that felt right. That all changed the day I found Parkfield Labradoodles. We contacted Jennie and as soon as we were able, we went to meet her and their wonderful dogs.

From the very first moment it was clear how well loved and cared for all of their dogs are and I knew there and then this was where our newest family member would come from.  We had everything crossed that they would trust us enough to let us become part of the Parkfield family.

Having met Pippa and Flynn (mum and dad) and Dougal (grandad), we got regular updates from Jennie over the summer and right throughout the pregnancy. Then came the magical moment when the puppies were born.

Jennie sent through pupdates several times a day, letting us know how things were going and we had a couple of visits to get to know Obi before we brought him home.

As new dog owners we felt supported through the whole of our journey.  Jennie provided us with all of the advice and information we needed to give Obi a great start in his new home. Obi came home and settled in straight away.  No accidents, no sleepless nights, just a massive bundle of energy and love.  All thanks to the time, love and commitment of Jennie and Joe.

Jennie and Joe, we cant thank you enough for giving us the most wonderful addition to our family.

Helen and Andy Chandler x'

"If you are considering a labradoodle puppy addition to your family all we can say is get in touch with Jen or Joe at Parkfield Labradoodles for a chat. We found them genuine, knowledgeable and “slightly” bonkers (no offence!)  Their passion for the breed and their own dogs is apparent from the first time they welcome you into their family home. Our two, yes two! Parkfield Labradoodles are only 4 months old and although very different personalities they both have fantastic temperaments and are very sociable with people, children, and other dogs. They are so well adjusted you can just tell they have had a wonderful early upbringing.  So to Joe, Jen and the children, along with mum Rosie, and dad Flynn, and all the other Parkfield dogs a big thank you. Keep up the good work x"
Deb, Stuart, Odin and Loki

“So where is this breeder you’ve found then?” my husband said to me.  “Oh just North of Birmingham,” I said.  Well, it looked like that on the map!! It was in fact nearly 2 ½ hours on a good run to get from the Forest of Dean to Jen and Joe and their doggies up in Shropshire but aww it was so worth it.  “Is there not a breeder closer?”, I had been asked doubtfully, but, there was something about the website and the way it was done that had caught and kept my attention among the many I had been looking at and I just couldn’t let it go. “Not like this one I said.”

The testimonials on the website sounded too good to be true, but they really weren’t.   We have had a fantastic experience in bringing home our Olly, or “cream boy” as he was known to start with, to our home.  There is no messing mind!!! You meet Jen and Joe and the generations of dogs that may lead you to your new addition first and foremost.   We met both parents and then grand parents, and even met great, great Gran, but if they don’t like you, you ain’t getting a puppy! And they are huge… no small dogs here!   You are also not seeing puppies if they are there in the house before your meeting or choosing your own puppy for the first time so that you’re not blinkered by babies rather than the bigger picture.  And in a weird sort of way that is comforting to know that puppies will not be entrusted to just anyone.

But once on the waiting list, the magic really begins… you can’t meet your puppy yet, too young, however you receive “pupdates” and lots of them, and you’re taken on an amazing journey, warts and all, of Mum doggy being pregnant right through to the 8 weeks when it’s puppy going home time.  It’s honestly been brilliant.  And as if that’s not enough, it’s not the end as you have a whole new Parkfield family of people who have their dogs in common with you, and a wealth of knowledge and experience from them and continued support from Jen and Joe to fall back on and help you on your journey.   You also have a new family member who is ready and well adjusted for your household.  (Jen and Joe will also have your dog to board with them should you need it, how good is that!)

Olly has been amazing! He has just the right mix of bravery, confidence and pluck and that can only have come from his breeding and Jen and Joe’s family way.  He also has a sense of fun but also a calmness about him.   He is pretty much house trained in our house already thanks to how he started his life at Parkfield and the one or 2 little mishaps he has had in the house have been through human error and not Olly’s fault.  He is crate trained and has slept through the night from day one.  He is just awesome. It is also lovely to be in a Whatsapp group with Jen and Joe and the families of Olly’s siblings and a facebook group with all the other generations of people who have had a Parkfield puppy.

I really just can’t say enough good things about Jen and Joe and Parkfield Labradoodles.  Olly has made our family feel complete … unless, of course, we can persuade a certain husband person into letting us have another Parkfield Labradoodle to give Olly another doggy sibling at home! Thank you to Jen and Joe, your children and Olly’s Mum and Dad, Custard and Arthur.  We hope we do your baby proud as his new owners.    (My husband said to me yesterday, “I had my doubts at the distance, but you were right it’s been the best place to get our puppy !!)

Thank you Parkfield Labradoobles from The Webbs

“If you are fortunate enough to have found this website then your foot is already on the path to owning one of the loveliest labradoodle puppies you could ever wish to meet. Jen & Joe bring you into the Parkfield family and you never leave. They love their dogs. Profoundly. Their support is there for life. We found our little girl Willow there. What a delight. Caring, funny, loyal and friendly. Simply beautiful.
Parkfield simply are the best labradoodles in the world!"  Julia & Peter Hague, Cornwall

Poppy is just wonderful and we cannot thank you all (humans and dogs) enough for what a wonderful calm and affectionate puppy we have. She has such a wonderful nature created by the amazing environment you have raised her in. We feel so fortunate to have found you as breeders and have so enjoyed the journey from her being born to coming home. We have so many photos and videos of this time which we will treasure. Looking forward to bringing her for a visit!

Zo & Pete -Carlisle 

"Our journey with Parkfiled Labradoodles was a real treat and very much part of our  whole process of selecting and purchasing our new puppy. Upon contacting Jennie, we arranged a visit to see Dougal and Pip  (puppies parents) as a fact finding mission to understand the type of breed we were buying into. This is a fairly serious decision that our whole family had to be up for and we all wanted to see the dogs, and what they would grow into. We all fell in love instantly with this beautiful breed of dogs especially Pip who will always have a special place in our hearts. Jenny and Joe were there on hand to answer our questions. There wasn't anything they didn't know or hadn't experienced. This support incidentally lasts the life of the dog. Upon purchasing your puppy you are invited to join a closed social networking group that is full of support to help you get the most out of your new fur ball and to ease their transition into your family. 

After the puppies were born, Jennie encouraged us new owners to visit our pups as much as possible. It was definitely an open house and we were welcomed with open arms. We never felt rushed and could spend as much time bonding with our new little friend. We were given progress reports as to how much weight our pups were putting on and details including vet visits for worming etc. Jennie and Joe were on hand with advice on what equipment we needed to obtain prior to the puppy coming home. 

Jennie provided many photos of our new dog during the eight week wait to pick Harry up. The day finally came and we spent a good amount of time going over last minute details of help and support. After the business was complete and documentation finalised we were able to take Harry home. This was twenty months ago. Harry is growing up to be a fine handsome young chap. He is full of energy, character and love for his family. He has been well bred with fine looks and a great temperament - ideal for families. Jennie and Joe have been on hand during this time providing help and advice when asked. It is clear to us they care passionately about their dogs even after they leave their home. We are so lucky to have our beautiful Harry and we cant thank them enough."

Paul & Diane Wilcock

"We tell everyone who asks about Doughal, and we do get a lot of admirers (if I say so myself) what fantastic breeders you both are.   We had never bought a puppy before, as we've always had rescue dogs. I have always love poodles and Labs , and we have the best of both now!
I was so impressed with his parents and what lovely dogs they both were. We were able to ask advise about many things we were not sure about, because it was a huge step for us to buy a puppy. I particularly liked the idea of giving each puppy a peice of their 'mummy blanket' Doughal still loves  his by the way.
We would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone who was considering this lovely breed of dog, everyday is an adventure and we really love our Parkfield Labradoodle.
Thank you both so much."
Debbie and family.

"We are thrilled with Brodie. He is so easygoing, sociable, fun, affectionate, with just enough of a scamp in him to keep us all on our toes!! ( have lost 2 pairs of flip flops this week!) He is very sociable and loves long walks in the woods near our home, and is happiest when jumping into streams and muddy ponds. We were recently told that the name Brodie means “muddy ditch” so we chose well!!
He has been easy to train, is intelligent and wants to please. 
Most importantly, we cannot imagine family life without him."
Claire and Brodie x

"From the moment we found Jen & Joe we knew a Parkfield Labradoodle was the going to be the perfect addition to our family. My husband & son are both allergic to dogs and knowing ‘doodles’ are hypoallergenic it seemed to be the perfect choice for us. After speaking to Jen, we were openly invited to their home to spend time with the dogs to see if either member reacted to the breed. Thankfully neither showed any sign of sensitivity and this gave us the confidence to set in motion our dream of having our own doodle....Ronnie. From the very first moment we met Jen & Joe they have supported and guided us either by phone, text or email, providing invaluable information and advice along the way. Ronnie even gets to visit Parkfield labradoodles whilst we are on our holidays, it literally is a home from home, and for us it’s piece of mind that our boy is in safe hands in our absence. Ronnie is now 17mths and we cannot imagine life without him, he has brought so much joy to our life with his loving and playful personality, he truly is the most gorgeous dog in the world!!" 
Fe and Ronnie x

The decision to have a dog join our family was a long and considered one as we have a very young son with autism so we wanted to make sure that we were doing the right thing.  After lots of research into breeds of dogs and breeders, we made up our minds to go with Jen and Joe at Parkfield Labradoodles.
Right from the outset, we were given lots of information on what to expect and in spite of Covid, finally managed to visit Parkfield and their gorgeous family of wonderful dogs (and children!).  We were kept updated on the whole journey to Angus (our pup) being born with regular pictures and news, and also once the puppies were born.
Angus has been a great addition to our family and our little boy is already starting to create a bond which, as anybody with a child with autism will know, is really quite an achievement.  We put this down largely to the amazing temperament of the puppies from Parkfield and the valuable advice given in advance of Angus’s arrival at our home.  Since we have had Angus, both Jen and Joe have been on hand to provide guidance which has been much appreciated.
In summary, if you are considering a labradoodle, you really don’t need to look any further than Parkfield – they really are fantastic.
Anna, Adam & Ross, Cheshire (parents to Angus!)

2nd December 2021

Parkfield Labradoodles

As proud parents to Teddy Campbell, our handsome, new chocolate brown labradoodle, we would just like to share our Parkfield experience.

Having visited early in the year to see all their dogs and then waiting through this summer for Teddy to arrive, Jen & Joe have been truly amazing!

Jen sent regular updates through the summer months on mum Pippa and as soon as the puppies arrived, we received daily video updates. Additionally, we have gained so much advice from their experience and their love for their dogs.

In respect to achieving the best stress-free start for Teddy (and us) we were instructed – don’t stop, take him straight into the garden, then one feed only on his first night.

We were amazed – everything we were told to do, resulted in us having an accident free, and peaceful welcome to Teddy’s new home. He was fantastic and offering a paw after his first ten minutes in the garden – although, I like to think that was me haha!

For any new dog buyers, Parkfield Labradoodles have a wealth of experience, a great environment and such an obvious love for their dogs – we highly recommend anyone looking for a great start with a labradoodle to arrange a visit to Jen & Joe.

Yours sincerely

Alan & Liz Campbell

After looking for 2 years for a standard labradoodle breeder who’s approach and ethos we were comfortable with, we came across Parkfield’s. We met Jen and then Joe, and what a team, they absolutely love their dogs and this came across when we first met the adult dogs and continued through to collection of our new puppy and beyond with the excellent advice we’ve received since.

We are first time dog owners and had constant support, regular updates and pictures and videos throughout the pregnancy, birth and early weeks. By the time we collected our pup we really felt we’d been part of the process and we couldn’t be happier with how Twig-C has fitted into our family.

So if you want a beautiful or handsome, fun, adorable, confident, funny, loving and lovable companion, Seriously, look no further.

Jane and Jonathan

"You can be rest assured that Parkfield Labradoodles take such great care of their puppies and they go to great lengths to make sure every pup is happy and healthy before they are sent to loving homes. They are very welcoming, caring, honest and very supportive xx"
Kate and Eddie

By some form of luck or quirk of fate we came across the website for Parkfield Labradoodles when looking for our next friend.  We were taken with the website and felt that it had a good vibe. We arranged a visit and all of our positive feelings were thankfully realised. Jen and Joe are truly amazing and this comes through in their dogs and puppies.  We were drawn into a new and wonderful world.  If you are considering a Labradoodle, I cannot recommend Jen and Joe highly enough.  They are incredibly knowledgeable, helpful and just two of the best people i have ever had the pleasure to know. Just give them a call, you wont regret it. 
Dave and Sharon - West Midlands.

When we brought our first Labradoodle into our family, we soon realised that we wanted another just like our gorgeous Mollie. It seemed natural to breed from her and so started a long search for a suitable stud dog. This search led us to Dougal and  Jennie at Parkfield Labradoodles. From the moment we met, it was clear that Jennie loved and cared for her dogs as she does her children, she is passionate about both and just oozes love for them all. It was also clear that Jennie was incredibly knowledgeable about Labradoodles, determined to keep a definitive lineage and totally professional. As if this was not enough, we soon learned that Jennie would support us every step of the way through Mollie’s pregnancy, birth and care for the puppies. Mollie and Dougal have now had two litters of puppies together and all have brought love and happiness to their forever families. As for us, we have kept three puppies! Jennie has opened a new world for us, a Labradoodle world, and in turn, we have been able to share the love that can only be found from having a Doodle in your life. We will always be grateful to Jennie, she has changed our world.

We have had labradoodles for years so to find a breeder to buy a new puppy took much searching. Where to start? Plenty of adverts for expensive puppies clearly the product of the family Labrador and local Poodle, many advertising house reared puppies when you suspect the closest they’ve been to a house is yours when you bring them home.


The Parkfield site ! It instantly suggests Jennie and Joe’s obvious love of dogs and commitment to producing lovely, multigenerational, socialised puppies. This was absolutely the case and the intelligent and meticulous attention to detail during the process of registering interest, visiting their home and seeing the dogs, to choosing a pup and bringing it home was hugely reassuring.

Highly recommended to anyone wanting to have a lovely labradoodle

Jane and Bonnie - Bath

After much research online we discovered parkfields labradoodles. They happily welcomed us into their home and introduced us to 12 beautiful doodles. Within 10 minutes we just knew these people invested a lot of their time into the love and care needed to breed these gorgeous dogs. We were sent ‘pupdates’ on a regular basis including photos and videos so we felt totally involved from day 1. We are now proud owners of a beautiful cream girl doodle and have gained an amazing group of knowledgable doodle friends via their private Facebook page as well as Jen and Joe who provide invaluable help and advise when needed.

Thank you for welcoming us into your doodle family.

Hannah & John

What an amazing family! 

Parkfield Labradoodles really do follow an amazing value “if your going to do something, do it properly”. I have never met a couple more knowledgable, helpful and show such love, care and attention to their doodles and pups as Jen and Joe. They certainly go above and beyond in everything they offer. 

Our pup came with a full puppy pack, including food, a large blanket with the mother and pups scent, weight charts from the day he was born, insurance and most importantly he came with an unbelievable character. 

For anyone searching the internet, I can honestly say look no further, you have found the best of the best. 

Thank you once again to you all. 

Hannah - Ellesmere Port

Wanted to leave the following feedback:-
Firstly, if you are fortunate enough to have found Parkfield Labardoodles website then you have probably been keen to find a reputable labradoodle breeder. We were previously labradoodle owners of a wonderful multigeneration bitch, but the reputable sire side were no longer breeding. We had also been owners of an exceptionally large rescue, a handsome fella but no idea of his breeders. Our dilemma when we lost the last of our dogs was given the continued trend of poodle cross breeding, how to find a good labradoodle breeder. We persevered with our search and found Parkfield. The owners of Parkfield Labradoodles are very experienced and knowledgeable of the labradoodle cross and achieving the right temperament in their puppies is key to their breeding.
Secondly, you have probably also thought very seriously about the lifelong commitment of having a puppy. Time is required to devote to toileting, feeding, play, training and exercise needs. Failure to give sufficient time to these needs is likely to result in a frustrated and bored dog, and possible development of behavioural problems. Our puppy is now three months old and showing all signs of developing into a good natured, relaxed, sociable and affectionate dog. The inherent genetics of a good dog are becoming increasingly apparent, but it is also all the hard work that Jennie and her family invest during initial puppyhood. We found Jennie very professional, welcoming our planned visit to meet the parents, and working tirelessly during a stressful COVID19 period to keep us in touch via text, emails and video footage of puppy progress. Based on our experience we have no hesitation in recommending Parkfield Labradoodles to others.
Steve and Lorraine, West Wales

We were considering a labradoodle addition to the family and chanced upon the Parkfield website. A call to Jen led to us visiting to meet the breed. Wow! We were immediately smitten by the amazingly friendly and calm dogs we met and struck by Jen & Joe’s knowledge and commitment to breeding wonderful family pets.

A few months later we took our own puppy home with every detail to support us provided. The WhatsApp group Jen sets up for each litter and  the private FB group provide a community for advice and fun. Jen & Joe are on hand and their care for each and every puppy continues through life.

Tikka is now 13 months and is so sweet natured, beautiful with just enough of the performing poodle side to keep us on our toes.

They are simply fantastic breeders. If you want a gorgeous,  well socialised multigen labradoodle - look no further.

Jan, Alan & Tikka  - Chester

Jen you are a miracle breeder. Nelly hasn’t had 1 accident in the house/ crate since we brought her home and after a few nights crying but being ignored, she slept 9.40pm -6.10am this morning without a whisper. She’s left alone twice a day A day for about 30 mins in her crate for school run and goes in brilliantly and is asleep when I get back. People love telling me horror stories about puppies but Parkfield labradoodles clearly now how to breed them. Thanks so much for everythingNikki

Jennie and Joe are absolutely wonderful breeders, in fact one of the best out there. I went to meet them and the dogs way before the puppies were born. It was lovely to meet the parents, grandparents and the rest of the pack! I decided to go for brother and sister from the same litter. Jennie’s advice has been invaluable from the start. She kept us informed all the way, sending photos and videos of pups numerous times a day. Even after I picked them up she was more than happy to respond to messages and still does 6 months later! Both my puppies are absolutely the best behaved, lovely tempered dogs. They are easy to train and have got so much love for everyone. Their beautiful coats get complimented whenever we go out. They are amazing with kids, just an absolute pleasure and joy to have around. Can’t wait to go on more adventures together as they grow. If I have any more dogs in the future, Jennie and Joe will be the first people to go to. Couldn’t recommend them high enough!

Martur - Gloucestershire 

I just wanted to share how gorgeous Buster is and how well we are settling in to life with four paws for company. We think he’s the 🔝s and I’m happy to say - bar some natural puppy moments 🤦🏻‍♀️ - Buster seems to be very relaxed and happy with his forever family. He’s so people loving and friendly. He does get a lot of human admirers wherever we go. Dogs require a bit of a confidence boost for Buster but hopefully (we think) he’s on the up. He was initially named Buster Sweep Smythe. He now can be called any of the following:


Four Paws

Woofington Smythe

He’s been in a few of my counselling sessions when it felt right. I am in no way saying I had it sorted (regardless of Buster, he was wonderful, his human needs works 🤦🏻‍♀️) but his impact was magical. It was only in moments I felt it was right and he is so soft and gentle (and enthusiastic 🤩) he did his work.

Thank you to you and Joe and all your children (and Lucy 🐾 and Arthur 🐾). We are such an improved Smythe Clang with Buster to keep an eye on us. And he is very happy (as long as he can count all five of us in the same room at the same time 😃) xx

It’s been 3 months since we picked up Mozzie, what can I say, it’s been a pleasure. Jen and Joe did such a great job, at 8 weeks he was house trained, he was confident and gentle. Although puppies are hard work, he continues to amaze us and at 5 months really is an absolutely gorgeous doodle and we couldn’t have asked for any more. Thank you Jen & Joe

I am very impressed with how professional Jennie is. Her knowledge is unbelievable. She has an answer to practically every question. I felt prepared and ready for my puppy. My Norman is confident and happy but also very calm which is a perfect combination. Jennie was very patient with my questions and guided me through every doubt I had. I hope when the time comes she will let me take home another one :-)

We feel so lucky to have found Parkfield Labradoodles, Jennie and Joe's dedication and hard work are exceptional. Thanks for everything. Wendy and Graham Edge.

The care and attention that has gone into not only raising the most perfect dogs in a family environment, but to making us part of that journey has been first class. We feel like we have had our puppy as part of our life for the last 8 week as we have been kept so involved in her development. From daily videos, help guides and pictures to puppy visits and bath time we have seen it all!

it’s been so helpful to transition us into having a 4 legged friend join our family, in particular for our 5 year old who can see Jen’s and children interacting with the puppies.

Thank you Jen x

After losing our beloved labradoodle earlier in the year we were finally ready to begin the search for another special little pup to share our home.
We began our research and found the Parkfield website and got a really good feeling from the pictures and testimonials. After travelling to meet Jen, Joe and family we were sure we had found the best breeder for us - we absolutely fell in love with their dogs, especially mum to be, Pickle, with her gentle relaxed nature, she was great with our kids, lapping up the tummy tickles!
A month later the pups were born… we  were kept brilliantly informed with daily WhatsApp group updates and videos, which the whole family really looked forward to, and it made us feel even more connected to our pup before we’d actually met him! We were sent lots of informative booklets to prepare for his homecoming and Jen was always on hand to answer any questions from the group.
Three months after our initial meeting and Monty is in his forever home with us.. and what a wonderful, funny, well socialised, house-trained ball of fluff our newest family member is - we can’t thank you enough Jen, Joe, Pickle, Flynn and family - our house is a home once again!

Our review of Parkfield labradoodles. Right from our initial contact we could sense Jennie's passion and knowledge of her breed and dogs. And then we went to meet the dogs. Super friendly and calm trusting boys and girls, both young and old We knew straight away that these were the family dogs for us!!! We met Custard and Arthur, prospective parents of our soon to be puppy. We were fully confident that their puppies would be right for us. Jennie was very welcoming and full of knowledge. We left excited to be getting a Parkfield puppy. Then the litter was born. We could not have asked for a better service from Jennie and Joe. We were sent regular photos, videos and brochures keeping us completely informed about the puppys progress and all aspects of their care. Jennie was on hand at all times to answer questions and give reassurance whenever needed! Jennie and Joe work extremely hard and are always professional. The service they give is second to none and definitely above and beyond. Consequently we now have a super happy, healthy and confident puppy. Finn settled in immediately and is part of the family already! A friendly, loving clever boy who is a credit to Parkfield labradoodles. We couldn't be more happy. Jo and Steve 

We are extremely happy and grateful to have met Jen and Joe, as well as the whole Parkfield family! We have been searching for a puppy for a very long time until I stumbled across their website! 

It all started with a simple chat with Jen, until we got to talk about the labradoodles and goldendoodles and she invited us for a visit. 

I will never forget that first meeting and the bunch of adorable heads looking at us through the window. It is stuck in my mind as it was yesterday and it will stay there forever. All the dogs 🐕 were extremely welcoming and joyful. Jenny welcomed us warmly and answered all our questions in length, even though some may have been sully 🤦. It made a huge impression the way she talked about all the dogs - with great love, compassion and genuine care. 

I completely fell in love with these fluffs when I was sitting on the floor and they were all around me, as if I was in the clouds of their fluff. We've decided right there and then that we want a puppy 🐶 and only from the Parkfield family and thankfully Jen and Joe, and the dogs approved us and agreed for us to become a part of Parkfield family! 

I was so impatient for that moment to come - for Winnie to deliver these amazing pups! We have been kept in the loop even during the pregnancy! And finally the day had come! Winnie gave birth to the bunch of the sweetest little things, with the great help of Jenny and Joe! She was an amazing mother to the pups and took great care of them all! We started receiving daily updates with many videos and photos, so we can see them grow and be involved as much as possible. Jen made sure to pupdate us not only on their growth, but also answer all our questions and sent us many brochures, which are extremely helpful for all of us!

When the puppies became 6 weeks old we had the immense pleasure of meeting them in person ❤️! The time has come for us and one of these cuties to choose one another. We had enough time to meet them all, and we got our newest family member - Lucia! We even had enough time to play with her and cuddle, so she can get used to us and our smell. 

2 weeks later we went back to take her home! She was already potty trained and used to different household noises such as hoover, dryer etc.  

The whole process was very well organized, explained and followed and we knew what to expect every step of the way. 

We cannot express the joy we feel each and every day we spend with our little ball of joy and happiness!

We cannot thank the Parkfield family  enough for everything! ❤️❤️❤️

Maria and Tim 

18 months after losing our first labradoodle we knew it was time for another. Our previous breeder had retired, but I’d met a Parkfield Labradoodle on holiday last year. A fantastic dog and the owner highly recommended Jen and Joe. What amazing, caring, breeders. The dogs are bred in a lovely home environment. We were able to meet adult dogs as well as the puppies. So much information given about looking after the puppies, taking them home, through early training etc and loads of videos sent of them between reserving a puppy and taking him home. It’s an absolute pleasure to get a labradoodle from Jen & Joe, who care for their dogs so well. You won’t be disappointed in choosing them. 
Jo and Ridley

We've recently collected our second puppy from Jen and Joe.
Herbie is 2.5 years old, and we now have a little cousin and playmate for him.
It's been a few years since we first visited them, and we are so happy we did.
The thing that stood out from the start for us was that the most important thing for them is the puppies and their welfare going forward.
We couldn't be happier with our dogs and what they have brought to our home.
That is all down to Jen and Joe and their wonderful family of Doodles.
Rich & Em.

Testimonials: Satisfied Client Reviews
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